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Trainings/Proficiency Testing Program (NRL)

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Proficiency Testing program for Analysis of Pesticide Residue in Grapes Homogenate -2024 Registration Form
Proficiency Testing Program in Apple Homogenate for Pesticide Residue Analysis - 2024 Request Proforma Invoice, Registration Form
Training Program On “Field Demonstration on Pre harvest Sampling of Grapes for Agrochemical Residue Analysis” - 2024 Registration Form
Proficiency testing program in Grape homogenate for pesticide residue analysis-2024 Request Proforma Invoice, Registration Form
Proficiency testing program in apple homogenate for pesticide residue analysis-2023 Registration Form
Virtual Training Program On "Demonstration of Packhouse sampling techniques in peanut and peanut products for aflatoxin analysis" 2023 Announcement
Virtual Training Program On "Demonstration of Pre-and Post-harvest sampling techniques in fruits and vegetables for pesticide residues analysis in fruits and vegetables" 2023 Announcement
Proficiency testing program in Grape homogenate for pesticide residue analysis-2023 Registration Form
Proficiency testing program in peanut homogenate for Aflatoxins analysis-2023 Registration Form
Proficiency testing program in grape homogenate for pesticide residue analysis Registration Grape PT Click Here
Proficiency testing program in okra homogenate for pesticide residue analysis Registration Okra PT Click Here
Proficiency testing program in peanut homogenate for aflatoxins analysis Announcement
Proficiency testing program in curry leaf homogenate for pesticide residue analysis Announcement
Virtual Training Program On “Pre- and Post- harvest sampling of fruits and vegetables for agrochemical residue analysis: 26-11-2021 Announcement
Proficiency testing program in grape homogenate for pesticide residue analysis Announcement
Virtual Sampling Training program - Pack house sampling of peanut and peanut products (PPP) for aflatoxin analysis 30-07-2021 Announcement
Proficiency testing program in peanut homogenate for aflatoxins analysis-2021 (NRL/PT- Peanut/2021/AFL-1) Announcement
Virtual Training Program On “Pre- and Post- harvest sampling of fruits and vegetables for agrochemical residue analysis and aflatoxin analysis in peanut and peanut products” Announcement
Proficiency testing program in grape homogenate for pesticide residue analysis -2020 Announcement
Proficiency testing program in peanut homogenate for aflatoxins analysis 20-02-2020 Announcement
Training program on pre or post-harvest sampling of fruits and vegetables for pesticide residue analysis Announcement
Proficiency testing program for pesticide residue analysis in grape homogenate-1/10/2019 Announcement
Training program on pre or post-harvest sampling of fruits and vegetables for pesticide residue analysis Announcement