
List of Databases


Database on the GC-MS and LC-MS mass transitions of the agrochemicals optimized at NRL


Research publications of ICAR-NRC for Grapes

It is a database of all research publication from ICAR-NRC for Grapes.

Diagnostics and management of pests of table grapes

A digital library/ database is developed on sixteen grapevine insect pests with information on different species affecting grapevine.


Grapevine diseases in India

A digital library/database was developed on eight important grapevine diseases and nine postharvest grape diseases. It provides information on important aspects like disease cycle, diagnostic symptoms, risk and economic loss, clear pictorial presentation and textual description of characteristic symptoms on different plant parts as well as ‘look alikes’, on optimum weather conditions for disease outbreaks, susceptible crop growth stages etc. and disease management.

Information system for management of microsatellite data for

grape Germplasm in India

It is a software for storage and retrieval of molecular data of grape germplasm. It has a database for molecular data for 254 grape accessions on 24 primers characterized by SSR marker technique. Implements a reference allele system and does corrections in molecular data generated in the laboratory by use of standard reference variety data. The molecular data is stored in the database after correction with reference variety data

Grape Germplasm Information System

The software provides the facility to store and edit data on 113 characteristics as per the UPOV, IPGR and NBPGR descriptors for grapevines. Presently the database contains data for 138 accessions on 42 characters that has been evaluated under tropical Indian agro climatic conditions.

‘Data bank on grapes, 2007-12’,

Digital database that provides grape industry related data for the period 2007-12. It has dataon grape cultivation, harvest and utilization, packing and storage, processing techniques, government policies, area of cultivation, production and trade, quality standards, grape economics and marketing.


Databases developed by ICAR-NRCG

Software developed by ICAR-NRCG