Sr. No. | Parameter | Allowance Limit |
1. | Soluble Solids | 15% mass/mass |
2. | Ethanol content | 5 g/Kg |
3. | Volatile acids | 0.4 g/Kg |
4. | Organoleptic properties | Colour, aroma and flavour characteristic to the varieties of origin |
5. | Use of Concentrates | Permitted, provided the concentrate is originated from same variety source |
6. | Use of CO2 | May be carbonated |
7. | Food additives -Citric Acid, Malic acid, CO2 | Limited by GMP |
8. | -L-ascorbic acid -Processing Aids | 400mg/kg in the final product |
9. | Approved Clarifying & filtering agents X Precipitated CaCO3, Potassium tartrate, Ca(OH)2, Vegetable carbon, N2, CO2 | Maximum level Limited by GMP |
10. | Contaminants | Maximum level |
11. | Arsenic (As) | 0.2mg/kg |
12. | Lead (Pb) | 0.3mg/kg |
13. | Copper (Cu) | 5mg/kg |
14. | Zinc (Zn) | 5mg/kg |
15. | Iron (Fe) | 15mg/kg |
16. | Tin (Sn) | 150mg/kg |
17. | Sum of copper, zinc and iron | 17mg/kg |
18. | Sulphur Dioxide | 10mg/kg |
19. | Mineral impurities insoluble in 10% HCl | 20mg/kg |
20. | Hygiene | Covered by the provisions as per the International code of Hygienic practice |
21. | Weights and measures: Fill of container | Minimum fill – 90% |
22. | Labeling | · Name of the food · List of ingredients · List of additional ingredients · Additional requirements · Shelf- life · Storage instructions, etc. |
23. | Method of analysis and sampling | As per the methods of Codex Alimentarius Commission |