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Fertigation schedule for Thompson Seedless grafted on Dogridge

Growth StageExpected duration (days after pruning)Month of operationNutrient application (kg/ha)
Foundation pruning
Shoot growth1-30April-May60--
Shoot growth31-40April-May2035.5-
Fruit bud differentiation41-60May-June-71-
Cane maturity and Fruit bud development*61-120June-August--80
121 days - fruit pruning*121 -August- Fruit pruning---
Fruit pruning
Shoot growth1-40October- November80--
Bloom to Shatter41-55November- December-26.5-
Berry growth and development56-70December - January-26.5-
Berry growth and development71-105December - January80-80
Ripening to Harvest106- harvestJanuary - March--80
Rest periodHarvest to Foundation pruning (20 days)March-April261826
Total  266177.5266
  • The schedule has been worked based on experiment carried out in heavy and calcareous soils using saline irrigation water (EC ranging from 1.7-1.8 dS/m)
  • This experiment was conducted in a row to row and vine to vine spacing of 10¢×6¢. Fertigation schedule can be suitably applied up to a row to row and vine to vine spacing of 8¢×5¢.
  • The nutrient quantity given are guidelines for distributing the NPK doses at different growth stages and may change based on the site and climatic conditions.
  • One kg P=2.29 kg P2O5 and one kg K=1.21 kg K2O
  • Under normal climatic conditions generally, it takes 10-12 days for sprouting.
  • The nutrient applications should necessarily take into account soil, petiole and water testing report.
  • Contribution of nutrients from other sources like composts, FYM, green manuring irrigation water, etc. should also be taken into consideration for adjusting the nutrient dose. All the manures and fertilizers, irrigation water and other inputs should be tested for presence of heavy metals (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sn, and Tl) before use.

By: Dr. J. Sharma and Dr. A.K. Upadhyay