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Awards / Honours

Institute level


Sr. No.Details
1‘Annual Report 2011-12. ICAR-National Research Centre for Grapes, Pune’ received Best Annual Report Award for 2012-13 by ICAR among the smaller institutes.
2APEDA Export award for ‘Efficient implementation of the Pesticide Residue Monitoring Plan and Research on Grapes’ (2003-04).
Sr. No.Details
1‘National Reference Laboratory for Pesticide Residues and Mycotoxins’ recognition by Food Safety and Standard Authority of India Since March 2019.
2‘ISO 17043: 2010 Accreditation for Proficiency Testing Provider for Pesticide Residues and Aflatoxins in Fruits and Vegetables and Peanut and Peanut products’ by NABL, Quality Council of India Since June 2018.
3‘National Referral Laboratory for Pesticide Residues and Mycotoxins’ recognition by Food Safety and Standard Authority of India since 2017.
4‘National Referral Laboratory for Pesticide Residues and Food Safety of Fruits’ recognition by ICAR.
5‘ISO 17025-2005 Accreditation for Chemical Testing (Pesticide Residues and aflatoxins)’ by NABL, Quality Council of India Since January 2014.
6‘Wine Certifying Authority for Export of Wine to European Union and for issuing Certificate VI-1’ recognition by APEDA Since 2008.
7‘National Referral Laboratory for the Control of Pesticide Residues and Aflatoxins in Products of Plant Origin’ recognition by APEDA since 2003-04.


To Scientist

Sr. No.Details
1Dr. K Banerjee, Pr. Scientist (Agric. Chem.) 2019. Selected for delivering Platinum Jubilee Lecture in 106th Indian Science Congress by Indian Science Congress Association.
2Dr. K Banerjee, Pr. Scientist (Agric. Chem.) 2019. NAAS Recognition Award for 2017-2018.
3Dr. SD Sawant, (Director) 2018. Lifetime Achievement award by Doctor’s Krishi Evam Bagwani Vikas Sanstha, (Doctor’s Agricultural and Horticultural Development Society), Lucknow.
4Dr. SD Ramteke, Pr. Scientist (Plant Physiology) 2018.Best Scientist Award from 7th Science and Technology awards for the year 2018 from Education Expo, Research and Branding company, Bangalore.
5Dr. IS Sawant, Pr. Scientist (Plant Pathology) 2017. ‘Sharda Lele Memorial Award’ by the Indian Phytopathological Society, New Delhi.
6Dr. K Banerjee, Pr. Scientist (Agric. Chem.) 2017. Harvey W. Wiley award of the AOAC International- 2017.
7Dr. SD Ramteke, Pr. Scientist (Plant Physiology) 2017. Outstanding Scientist Award 2017 by The Society of Tropical Agriculture, New Delhi.
8Dr. SD Ramteke, Pr. Scientist (Plant Physiology) 2015 .Excellence Award by Dupont for steering research project.
9Dr. IS Sawant, (Pr. Scientist (Plant Pathology) 2014. “Best Woman Scientist – 2013 Award” by Association for the Advancement of Biodiversity Science (AABS).
10Dr. SD Ramteke, Pr. Scientist (Plant Physiology) 2014. Felicitation award by Maharahtra Rajya Draksh Bagaitdar Sangh, Pune.
11Dr. SD Ramteke, Pr. Scientist (Plant Physiology) 2013.The Best Citizens of India by The International Publishing House, the world’s most leading biographical specialists, New Delhi.
12Dr. RG Somkuwar, Pr. Scientist (Hort.) 2013. Krishi Ratna Puraskar by Milind Sanstha, Nashik for contribution in agriculture.
13Dr. IS Sawant, Pr. Scientist (Plant Pathology) 2012. “Best Woman Scientist – Maharashtra’ Award” by AGROWON-Sakal group of newspaper.
14Dr. SD Ramteke, Pr. Scientist (Plant Physiology) 2012. Excellence Award by Syngenta for steering the two year research project.
15Dr. RG Somkuwar, Pr. Scientist (Hort.) 2012. Maharashtra Bhushan by Lokranjan Kala Mandal, Nasik for contribution in agriculture.
16Dr. RG Somkuwar, Pr. Scientist (Hort.) 2012. Vidarbh Bhushan by Yashvant Bharti Lokkalyan Sanstha, Nagpur for excellent work in the field of agriculture.
17Dr. RG Somkuwar, Pr. Scientist (Hort.) 2011. Best Citizen Award by International Publication house, New Delhi for publication in the field of agriculture.
18Dr. RG Somkuwar, Pr. Scientist (Hort.) 2010. Rashtriya Ekatmata Fellowship by Bharatiya Samaj Vikas Academy, Mumbai for recognition in the field of agriculture.
19Dr. RG Somkuwar, Pr. Scientist (Hort.) 2009. Sahyadri Krishi Sanman Puraskar by Mumbai Doordarshan for best extension work in agriculture, (Govt. of Maharashtra).
20Dr. RG Somkuwar, Pr. Scientist (Hort.) 2009. Dr. Punjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Puraskar by Bhartiya Krushak Samaj, New Delhi.
21Dr. RG Somkuwar, Pr. Scientist (Hort.) 2009. Vasantrao Naik Agril. Scientist Award by Chief Minister, Maharashtra by Vasantrao Naik Krishi Pratishthan, Pune (Govt. of Maharashtra).
22Dr. RG Somkuwar, Pr. Scientist (Hort.) 2007. V. B. Rahudkar award and first prize for best published book in Marathi by BALIRAJA, an association of agriculture dealing with publications.
23Dr. RG Somkuwar, Pr. Scientist (Hort.) 2007. Bhaskar Award by Journalist Foundation of Pune.
24Dr. SD Ramteke, Pr. Scientist (Plant Physiology) 2006. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Samajsewak Purskar by Maharashtra Dalit Sahitya Academy, Bhusaval.
25Dr. J Sharma, Pr. Scientist (Soil Chem.) 2006. ‘’MRDBS Gauravchinh’’ award by the Maharashtra State Grape Growers’ Association.
26Dr. Indu S. Sawant, Pr. Scientist (Plant Pathology) 2006. ‘’Gauravchinh’’ award by the Maharashtra State Grape Growers’ Association.
27Dr. PG Adsule, Pr. Scientist (Plant Pathology) 2006. ‘’MRDBS Gauravchinh’’ award by the Maharashtra State Grape Growers’ Association.
28Dr. RG Somkuwar, Pr. Scientist (Hort.) 2006. ‘’Abhinav Gaurav’’ award by Abhinav Grape Growers Association, Junnar (Pune Dist.).
29Dr. SD Ramteke, Pr. Scientist (Plant Physiology) 2005. ‘‘Abhinav Gaurav’’ award by Abhinav Grape Growers Co-operative Society Agar, Junnar, Pune, Maharashtra for technical guidance on grapes.
30Dr. SD Ramteke, Pr. Scientist (Plant Physiology) 2005. Maharashtra Dalit Sahitya Academy award for technical write up and guidance on grapes by Maharashtra Dalit Sahitya Academy, Bhusawal.
31Dr. SD Ramteke, Pr. Scientist (Plant Physiology) 2004. Scientist of the year by National Environmental Science Academy, New Delhi.
32Dr. SD Ramteke, Pr. Scientist (Plant Physiology) 2004. Abhinav grape growers Award for best extension work.
33Dr. SD Sawant, Pr. Scientist (Plant Pathology) 2002. ‘‘Abhinav Gaurav’’ Puraskar by Abhinav Draksha Utpadak Sangha, Junnar.
34Dr. SD Sawant, Pr. Scientist (Plant Pathology) 2001. ‘’Gauravchinh’’ award by the Maharashtra State Grape Growers’ Association.
35Dr. SD Ramteke, Pr. Scientist (Plant Physiology) 2001. Sanstha Bhushan Award given at Silver Jubilee Function Organized by Rashtriya Shikshan Sanstha Lakhani, Maharashtra.
Best research paper award

The Horticulture Society of India:

Sawant IS, Sawant SD, Upadhyay A, Sharma J, Upadhyay AK, Shetty D, Bhirangi R. 2010. Crop loss in grapes due to downy mildew infection on clusters at pre- and post-bloom stages under non-epiphytotic conditions. Indian Journal of Horticulture, 67: 425-432.

Society for Advancement of Human and Nature:

Sharma AK, Sawant SD, Adsule PG, Rajguru YR. 2009. Comparison of commercial and locally identified yeast strains in relation to young wine quality of Cabernet Sauvignon” S. Afr. J. Enol. Vitic. 30(2): 148-150.

GITS Award – 2003:

Adsule PG and Banerjee K. 2003. Standardization of quality of Indian raisins with reference to Codex standards and harmonization of Indian standards. Indian Food Packer, July-August, 2003, 59-65.

Best presentation award
Sr. No.Details
1Upadhyay AK. 2018. Strategies to enhance grapevine productivity under moisture stress conditions. In International Conference on ‘Doubling the Farmers Income through Innovative Approaches’, Organised by Agricultural Development Trust Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Baramati (Pune) from 9-11 April, 2019.
2Yadav DS. 2018. Compatibility of insecticides with entomopathogenic fungi, Metarhizium spp. and Beauveria spp. for bio-intensive management of pink mealybug, Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green) in grapes, Vitis vinifera Linnaeus’. In First International Conference on Biological Control’ during 27-29 September 2018 at Bengaluru.
3Sharma AK. 2018. Present Status and Future Prospects of Grape Production in Hills with special reference to Uttarakhand. On Emerging trends in high- tech horticulture under changing climate organized by ICAR-Central Institute of Temperate Horticulture, Regional Station, Mukteshwar during 6-7 March 2018.
4Som Sukanya, Roy R, Burman VS, Lenin V, Sharma JP, Banerjee K, Sawant IS. 2015. Institutional Role on Promotion of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and Export of Grapes in Maharashtra. In 7th National Seminar on “Sustainable Rural Livelihood: Technological and Institutional Perspective” organized by Society for Community Mobilization for Sustainable Development at Sher-E—Kashmir University of Agriculture & Technology for Jammu, during 8-10th January, 2015.
5Yadav DS, Kamte AS, Jadhav RS. 2012. Trap catch of Jassids, Amrasca biguttula biguttula Ishida (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) as affected by colour, size and height of sticky traps in table grapes. In IV National Symposium on Plant Protection in Horticultural Crops: Emerging Challenges and Sustainable Pest Management during 25th – 28th April, 2012 at IIHR, Bengaluru which was jointly organized by Association for Advancement of Pest Management in Horticultural Ecosystems & Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR).
6Sawant SD, Yadav DS. 2012. Development and evaluation of location specific advisory based on weather-crop conditions for optimization of pesticide use and management of pesticide resistance & residues in table grapes .In IV National Symposium on Plant Protection in Horticultural Crops: Emerging Challenges and Sustainable Pest Management during 25th – 28th April, 2012 at IIHR, Bengaluru which was jointly organized by Association for Advancement of Pest Management in Horticultural Ecosystems & Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR).
7Shinde MP, Aher LB, Upadhyay A, Karibasappa GS. 2011. AFLP marker to differentiate clone of grapevine (Vitis Vinifera L.) cv. Centennial Seedless. Received first prize at National Seminar on ‘Frontiers in Biotechnology and Bioinformatics’ held on 12th February 2011 at D.Y. Patil Biotechnology and Institute, Pune.
8Kulkarni NS. 2008. Strategies for the Management of Mealybugs. At International Workshop on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in Grapes organized by FICCI from 26-30 th May, 2008 at Hotel Taj Hyderabad.
9Banerjee K, Oulkar DP, Dasgupta S, Patil SB, Patil SH, Savant R, Adsule PG. 2007. Validation and uncertainty analysis of multi-residue method for pesticides in grapes using ethyl acetate extraction and liquid chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A. Vol. 1173 (1-2): 98-109, was ranked first among top 25 hottest articles during October – December 2007 by Science Direct in Journal of Chromatography A. This paper was also ranked 14th under top 25 hottest articles within chemistry group of Science Direct which covers more than 100 journals.
10Kulkarni NS. 2007. Strategies for the Management of Mealybugs. At CAS training on 'Computer based Multimedia Presentation 'at National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Hyderabad from 20th June to 11th July 2007.
Best Poster award
Sr. No.Details
1Sawant SD, Ghule MR, Savardekar RM, Sawant IS, Saha S. 2016. Effective use of potassium salts of phosphorus (96%) in the control of fungicide resistant Plasmopara viticola causing downy mildew in grapes. In 6th International Conference on “Plant, Pathogens and People” organized by the Indian Phytopathological Society, New Delhi 23- 26th February 2016.
2Somkuwar RG, Sharma AK, Bhange Mahadev. 2016. Evaluation of grape rootstocks for yield and quality parameters of Sauvignon Blanc wine grapes. In Session V in the 7th Indian Horticulture Congress 2016 on Doubling Farmers Income through Horticulture, organized by Horticulture Society of India, IARI, New Delhi, 15-18 Nov 2016.
3Hingmire S. 2014. Degradation kinetics of Buprofezin Imidacloprid and Flubendiamide residue in Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus ) L. Moench. . In National seminar on New Trends in Pest Management, organized at Shivaji University Kolhapur, on 31st January 2014.
4Jogaiah S, Kitture AR, Sharma AK, Sharma J, Upadhyay AK, Somkuwar RG. 2014. Rootstock Regulates Fruit and Wine Quality Parameters in Cabernet Sauvignon Grapevines (Vitis vinifera).In Session IV in the 6th Indian Horticulture Congress on Horticulture 2014 for Inclusive Growth, organized by Horticulture Society of India and TNAU, Coimbatore, 6-9 Nov 2014.
5Loganathan M, Venkataravanappa V, Saha S, Tripathi S, Verma MK, Rai AB. 2014. Molecular pathogenic variability of Fusarium species infecting tomato and chili. In National Conference on Pre-/Post-harvest Losses & Value Addition in Vegetables, IIVR, Varanasi 12-13th July, 2014.
6Amala U, Chinniah C, Sawant IS, Muthukrishnan N, Muthiah C, Yadav DS. 2014. Seasonal incidence, host and host stage preference of grape mealybug parasitoid, Anagyrus dactylopii Howard” presented in the International Conference: Changing scenario of pest problems in agri-horti ecosystems and their management, held at MPUA&T, Udaipur, November 27-29, 2014.
7Kamble N. 2014. Development of Analytical Method for Analysis of Volatile Compounds from Indian Wines using Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Coupled with Thermal Desorption System. In National seminar on New Trends in Pest Management, organized at Shivaji University Kolhapur, on 31st January 2014.
8Manjaiah KM, Shabeer ATP, Meena MC, Kumar Anil. 2011. Effect of bentonite on transfer of cadmium and nickel from typic haplustept to spinach. In National Seminar on Developments in Soil Science- 2011 organized by Indian Society of Soil Science, 76th Annual convention of Indian Society of Soil Science, Dharwad, 16-18 November 2011.
9Sawant SD, Sawant IS, Sharma J, Shinde M, Ghule S, Ghosh P. 2011. Expression of grapevine leaf roll associated virus (GLRVa) symptoms in different grape varieties in Maharashtra. In. Souvenir and Abstracts: IPS (west zone) Symposium: Recent trends in disease management of horticultural crops. October 19-20: p106-107.
10Banerjee K, Oulkar, Dashrath P, Adsule PG. 2006. Persistence and residue dynamics of Mancozeb and its toxic metabolite ethylene thiourea (ETU) in table grapes. 2006. Abs. pp. 142. International Symposium on Grape Production and Processing, Baramati, Pune, 6-11th February 2006.
11Karibasappa GS, Adsule PG. 2006. Evaluation of wine grape genotypes. Abs. pp. 156. International Symposium on Grape Production and Processing, Baramati, Pune, 6-11th February 2006.
12Sawant IS, Sawant SD. 2006. Potential of Trichoderma spp. for management of anthracnose disease of grapevines. Abs. pp. 116. International Symposium on Grape Production and Processing, Baramati, Pune, 6-11th February 2006.
13Upadhyay A, Deokar KP, Reddy S, Sawant IS, Kshirsagar MD, Saboji MD, Karibasappa GS. 2006. Identification of micro satellite markers associated with downy mildew resistance in grape: an example of association mapping in a perennial crop. Abs. pp. 90. International Symposium on Grape Production and Processing, Baramati, Pune, 6-11th February 2006.
14Banerjee K, Sawant SD, 2001. Dissipation and decontamination of hexaconazole residues in grapes (Vitis vinifera’ at International Conference on Pesticides, Environment and Food Security held at IARI, New Delhi on 19-23rd November 2001 organized by Society of Pesticide Science, India.
Fellowships of the National Academies
Sr. No.Name and DesignationFellowship
1.Dr. R.G. Somkuwar Pr. ScientistFellow of Horticulture Society of India, New Delhi, in 2017.
2.Dr. Indu S. Sawant Director (Acting)Fellow of the Society for Biocontrol Advancement (FSBA), Bengaluru, in 2014.
3.Dr. Indu S. Sawant Director (Acting)Fellow of Indian Phytopathological Society, New Delhi, in 2013.
4.Dr. Indu S. Sawant Director (Acting)Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Biodiversity Science (FABSc), Karnataka, in 2013.
5.Dr. K. Banerjee Pr. ScientistFellow of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences 2013.
6.Dr. K. Banerjee Pr. ScientistFellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), London 2011.
7.Dr. K. Banerjee Pr. ScientistNational Fellow (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) 2011.
Awards conferred by the Private Sector
  1. Dr. SD Sawant, (Director) 2018. Lifetime Achievement award by Ideal Foundation, Mumbai.
  2. Dr. DS Yadav, Sr. Scientist (Entomology) 2018. Shri S.A. Dabholkar Prayog Pariwar Puraskar 2018 by Shri S. A. Dabholkar Prayog Pariwar, Nasik.
  3. Dr. SD Sawant, (Director) 2017. Agrocare Krushimanch, 9th State Level Agrocare Idol Award 2017 by Jointly by Department of Horticulture, Maharashtra State, and Agrocare Krushimanch, Nasik.
  4. Dr. SD Sawant, (Director) 2016. Shri S.A. Dabholkar Prayog Parivar Purskar 2016 by Shri S. A. Dabholkar Prayog Pariwar, Nasik.
  5. Dr. SD Sawant, (Director) 2014. Crystal National Agri Award 2014. Krishi Anusandhan and Kisan Vikas Foundation, New Delhi.
  6. Dr. SD Sawant, Pr. Scientist (Plant Pathology) 2002. "Abhinav Gaurav" Puraskar 2002 by Abhinav Draksha Utpadak Sangha, Junnar.