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Information Brochure ABI

About ICAR - NRC for Grapes ABI Draksha (ABI Centre)

ICAR – National Research Centre for Grapes (NRC for Grapes) was established on 18th January, 1997 at Manjari, Pune. It is a well accomplished institute which targets basic, strategic and applied research on genetic resource management, crop improvement, production and post- harvest technologies for profitable and sustainable production of grapes. ICAR – NRC for Grapes developed different technologies which are widely popular among the stakeholders.

ABI Draksha (ABI Centre) at ICAR - National Research Centre for Grapes (NRC for Grapes) was sanctioned in the year 2019 by ICAR Incubation Fund (Component II) under XII Plan scheme of IP&TM unit, ICAR i.e. National Agricultural Innovation Fund (NAIF).

Through this ABI Centre, ICAR – NRC for Grapes would extend support to prospective entrepreneurs by providing technical assistance, consultancy, infrastructure facility, guidance and training for sustainable business establishment.

  • To provide incubation facility and technical assistance for Agri-business development
  • To scale up the technologies in collaboration with stakeholders
  • To impart training and capacity building to prospective entrepreneurs in agribusiness ecosystem
  • To promote innovation, entrepreneurship and business creation in agriculture and allied sector by skill development, capacity building and technology scale up;
  • To promote an integrated approach for technology acquisition, R&D, commercial technology transfer and knowledge dissemination
  • To facilitate evolution of an Agri-Start-Up ecosystem by support for cost effective, value added services including technical, legal, financial, intellectual property and regulatory compliance related services to agripreneurs
Following services will be offered by ICAR – NRC for Grapes to the on-site incubatee clients upon registration:
  1. Office space & Lab space
  2. Capacity building and training
  3. Scientific Services
  4. Business facilitation
  5. Industrial connects for business development support
Technologies at our Institute
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We call for applications from person with innovation in the following areas with ideation and prototype.
  • Grapes Processing
  • Wine making
  • Juice making
  • Raisins
  • Cookies
  • Agri-Food Processing
  • Nursery Management
  • Farm Mechanization
  • Decision Support Services for Grapes
  • Supply chain Management
  • Internet of Things (IoT) & Information and Communication
  • Technology (ICT) in Agriculture
  • Laboratory establishment
  • Supply chain
  • Others
Management Team of ICAR-NRCG (ABI Centre), Pune
PIDr. Ajay Kumar Sharma, Principal Scientist (Horti Sci)
CO - PIs

Dr. Ahammed Shabeer T.P., Scientist (Agri Chem)

Dr. Ajay Kumar Upadhyay, Principal Scientist (Soil Sci)

Dr. Sujoy Saha, Principal Scientist (Plant Pathology)

Dr. Deependra Singh Yadav, Sr. Scientist (Ento)

Dr. N. A. Deshmukh, Senior Scientist (Fruit Sci)

Dr. P.H. Nikumbhe, Scientist (Fruit Sci)

Advisory Committee for ABI Draksha (ABI Centre) at ICAR – NRC for Grapes, Manjari, Pune
Sr. NoNamePostOrganization
1Dr Kaushik BanerjeeChairmanDirector, ICAR-NRCG, Pune
2Dr Sujoy SahaMemberPrincipal Scientist, ICAR-NRCG, Pune
3Mr Shantanu JagtapMemberAssociate Director, MCCIA, Pune
4Dr Rajiv KaleMemberSenior Scientist, ICAR-DOGR, Pune
5Dr Ahammed Shabeer TPMemberSenior Scientist, ICAR-NRCG, Pune
6Mr Sunil PawarMemberProgressive FarmerOfficial of MRDBS
7Mr Munish GantiMemberFAO, ICAR-NRCG, Pune
8Dr Ajay Kumar SharmaMember SecretaryPrincipal Scientist, and PI, ICAR-NRCG, Pune
Technology mentors on board at ABI Draksha (ABI Centre), ICAR-NRCG, Pune
Sr. NoNameDesignation
1Dr. K. BanerjeeDirector
2Dr. A. K. UpadhyayPrincipal Scientist (Soil Science)
3Dr. R. G. SomkuwarPrincipal Scientist (Horticulture)
4Dr. Sujoy SahaPrincipal Scientist (Plant Pathology)
5Mrs. K. MundankarScientist (Computer Applications in Agriculture) and Nodal office I/c ITMU
6Dr. D. S. YadavSenior Scientist (Entomology)
7Dr. Ahammed Shabeer TPSenior Scientist (Agricultural Chemistry)
8Dr. N.A. DeshmukhSenior Scientist (Horticulture)
9Dr. P.H. NikumbheScientist (Horticulture)
10Dr Ajay Kumar SharmaPrincipal Scientist (Horticulture) and Nodal Officer ABI Centre Project
Business mentors on board at ABI Draksha (ABI Centre) ICAR-NRCG, Pune
Sr. NoNameDesignation
1Mr. Amit BuddhirajaCEO, Exim Edge, New Delhi
2Dr. Neeraj AgrawalDirector, Resvera Wines Pvt. Ltd Nashik (MS
3Mr. Vijay GophaneManaging Director, Maha Agri FPC Federation, Pune (MS)
4Mr. Umesh KambleCEO, Farm to Fork solutions


Contact us for further details:

                 ABI Draksha (ABI Centre),

                        ICAR – NRC for Grapes, Manjari, Pune 412307

                   Email address:

                    Phone Number: 020-26956065


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