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Institute Technology Management Unit (ITMU)

Institute Technology Management Unit (ITMU) has been constituted at Institute level to facilitate Intellectual Property Management and Technology Transfer/ Commercialization as per the ICAR guidelines with objectives to pursue intellectual property protection, maintenance and transfer/commercialization pertinent to technology(ies) developed at Institute level. ITMU functions as coordinating unit and facilitator to recognize the promising technology(ies) developed, process the filing of patent and maintaining the IP portfolios of the Institute through Institute Technology Management Committee (ITMC). ITMU acts as the Secretariate for the Institute Technology Management Committee (ITMC). This committee is designated at the institute level for IP management, technology transfer, and technology commercialization. ITMC is the final decision-making body for IP related matters/progress/concerns. ITMU/ITMC seeks advice/assistance from the Zonal Agro-Technology Management Centres (ZTMCs) at the zonal level and strictly obeys the administrative guidelines/ advisory or policy decisions taken by the ICAR from time to time.

Licensing of technologies from ICAR-NRCG

Within ICAR-NRCG, the ITMU is also responsible for the licensing of technologies developed by the institute to public organizations, private companies, and individuals. The licensing process operates on a non-exclusive basis, with or without royalty fees for an initial period of three to five years. This arrangement is formalized through the signing of a license agreement between ICAR-NRCG and the client. ITMU works in collaboration with Agrinnovate India Limited (AgIn), New Delhi to license high value technologies. Regulatory compliances like approval of National Biodiversity Authority (NBA), Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights Authority (PPV&FRA) are adhered to in commercialization of technologies. The licensee/company will have to get license from CIB&RC, Faridabad for commercial production of biopesticides licensed from ICAR-NRCG.

Technology licensing process

1. Initiating the Process: To begin the technology licensing process, the interested party is required to show the interest in the available technology  and contact

Name: Director


Phone Number: 020-26956002

Fax Number: 020-26956099

Address: ICAR-National Research Centre for Grapes, Post Box No. 3, Manjri Farm P.O., Solapur Road, Pune-412307

2.  Submission of Documents: The client is asked to submit a completed Proforma for Licensing Technology from ICAR-NRCG, including all the necessary enclosures as required

3.  Technology Confirmation: Upon confirmation of technology licensing, NRCG communicates the Terms of Trade (ToT) for the technology to the client. After approval of TOT and confirmation of licensing the technology by the client, a draft Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) will be shared with the client for review.

4. Negotiation and Agreement: Once both parties have mutually agreed on the terms and conditions outlined in the MoU, and upon receipt of the license fee and training fee, the final MoU will be executed. This final agreement is typically signed on a date that is convenient for both parties.

5. Non-Indian Participation: If there is any involvement of non-Indian entities in the management or investment of the company, approval from the National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) may be required.