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Decision Support System for Grapes

Description:  Decision support systems (DSS) provides  farm-specific advisory to the farmers for irrigation and nutrition management, pest and disease risk assessment and advisory for their management. Application programming interface (API) for DSS is commercialized to service providers who gives access of DSS to farmers via his web/mobile application. The service provider is given license for API access for fixed duration. dss

Impact analysis:  average 31% increase in productivity and about 13% reduction in use of various vineyard inputs. 

Status: commercialized through AgIn via Technology Licensing Agreement. Licensed to two service providers during 2021 and  2022 for 2500 farmer users.

License fee: Rs. 1.00 Lakh + applicable taxes - for first 1000 customers. After that Rs. 10,000 + applicable taxes per 100 customers 

Stakeholders: Agro-tech service providers, Weather data service providers, Agri input service providers 

Commercialized to: Rallis India Limited, Mumbai; Amicus Agro Tech, Kolhapur; Sensartics Private Limited, Nasik, Agriotics Pvt. Ltd., Pune etc.