Sr. No. | Title & Ref.No | Tender Publish Date | Tender Due Date | Document |
131 | Notification - Opening of financial bid for purchase of High Sensitivity LC-MS/MS along with UPS and Required Accessories |
132 | Notification - Opening of financial bid for purchase of GC-MS/MS Triple Quadruple System |
133 | Extension of date of purchase of laboratory capsule filling machine |
10.03.2016 | 31.03.2016 | |
134 | 1. Fungicides and insecticides 2. Fertilizers |
20.03.2016 | 05.04.2016 | |
135 | supply of Laptop Computer and MS Office PRO PLUS 2013 SNGL OLP NL AE |
05.03.2016 | 26.03.2016 | |
136 | Isotope Ratio Mass Spectroscope (IR-MS) |
10.03.2016 | 22.03.2016 | |
137 | Purchase of Chairs |
03.03.2016 | 23.03.2016 | |
138 | Technical bids of following Equipments will be opened 1. High Sensitivity LC-MS/MS along with UPS and Required Accessories (Item No. 1) 2. Front End ICP-MS System (Item No. 4) |
29.02.2016 | 07.03.2016 | |
139 | Purchase of fertilizers |
17.02.2016 | 17.03.2016 | |
140 | Rate Contract for Lab. inputs (i.e. Chemicals Glass wares / Plastic wares / Filter Paper Pipettes etc.) during – 2016-2017 |
15.02.2016 | 14.03.2016 |