Dr. Kaushik Banerjee
ICAR-National Research Centre for Grapes, Pune - 412307
- Post Doctorate (Environmental Organic Geochemistry): 2003-2004: , Institute of Environmental Research (INFU), Technical University of Dortmund, Germany
- Ph.D. (Agricultural Chemicals): 1992-1996: Division of Agricultural Chemicals, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India
- M.Sc.(Agricultural Chemicals): 1990-1992: Division of Agricultural Chemicals, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India
- B.Sc. (Agriculture) Honours: 1985-1989 : Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (BCKV), Mohanpur, West Bengal, India (Specialization in Agricultural Chemistry, Biochemistry, Soil Science, Agronomy)
- Post-Graduate (Diploma) in Marketing and Sales Management: 1994: New Delhi YMCA
Specialization / Discipline
- Crop Protection
Area of specialization
Agrochemical residue chemistry |
Residue analysis method development and validation for food and environmental contaminants. |
Risk assessment studies for safety evaluation of agrochemical residues in fruits, vegetables and their processed products. |
Risk assessment studies on the agrochemical residues in soils of different physico-chemical properties. |
Monitoring and management of agrochemical residues in fruits and vegetables. |
ICAR National Fellow:
April 2011 – till date
Principal Scientist (Agricultural Chemistry):
March 2011 – December 2022
Senior Scientist (Agricultural Chemistry):
March 2005 – March 2011
Scientist (Agricultural Chemistry):
March 1996 – February 2005
Post doctoral Scientist :
May 2003 – May 2004: INFU, TU Dortmund, Germany
- Extensive research experience in the applications of chromatographic (GC and HPLC) and mass spectrometric techniques (e.g. Triple Quad, Ion Trap, Q-Trap, Single Quad, GCxGC-ToF, Q-ToFMS) to perform diversified types of studies related to screening and risk assessment of food and environmental contaminants.
- Activities within the frame of National Referral Laboratory: Developed a strong team of analytical chemists for multi- and single residue analysis method developments and validation using advanced LC-MS and GC-MS technologies, which have been successfully implemented across the export testing laboratories of India.
- Several international projects on residue analytical chemistry have been completed in collaboration with the Centre for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN), US Food and Drug Administration (FDA); Ministry of Environment, Canada and National University, Mendoza, Argentina.
- Risk assessment studies related to the safety evaluation of pesticides and plant growth regulators in fruits and vegetables established strategic package of practices (POP) to minimize residue accumulations in crops at harvest. Transfer of such POPs to the farmers promoted safe use of agrochemicals in agriculture.
- Actively involved in implementing the residue monitoring plan of APEDA, Ministry of Commerce, Government of India since 2004 to promote the export of fresh fruits and vegetables and wine from India to the European Union countries.
- Significantly contributed in capacity building exercises of developing the analytical competence of the APEDA-nominated public and private sector testing laboratories across India for trace level residue monitoring in compliance with the DG-SANCO and AOAC International guidelines of analytical method validation and performance criteria.
- Published around 75 research papers, mostly in refereed journals of international repute.
M. Sc.- more than 20
Ph.D.- 2 (completed) and 8 (ongoing)
- Fellow of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences 2013
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), London 2011
- National Fellow (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) 2011
- President-Elect, AOAC International-India Chapter 2011
- Affiliate Member – IUPAC Advisory Committee on Crop Protection Chemistry 2013.
- Instructor – International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), for a Regional Training Course on “Screening Methodologies and Pesticide Residue Analysis by QuEChERS”, 12-23rd November 2012, San Jose, Costa Rica.
- Instructor at the FAO/IAEA Train-the-Trainers Workshop: “Food safety: from farm to fork”, Seibersdorf, Austria, 29th June-2nd July 2012.
- Member, Editorial Board, Journal of AOAC International, 2012
- Guest Editor for the Journal of AOAC International in 2011 and 2010
- Member – Fact Finding Team, deputed by Government of India regarding detection of chlormequat chloride residues in table grapes exported from India to the EU countries, 21-26th May 2010.
- The research paper viz. “Validation and uncertainty analysis of a multi-residue method for pesticides in grapes using ethyl acetate extraction and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry”. J. Chromatogr. A 1173, 98-109, appeared as the topmost downloaded article in the “Top 25 Hottest Articles” of the Journal of Chromatography A during October-December 2007.
- Member – Technical Committee for the Laboratories, Government of Maharashtra State, India, since 2009.
- Member, Expert Review Panel of the AOAC International for “Pesticide Residues in Soft Drinks” in 2006-2007.
- GITS Award for the Best Paper on Marketing conferred by All India Food Processors’ Association conferred on 18th December 2004 at Bangalore, India.
- BOYSCAST fellowship of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India for post-Doctoral research in Environmental Organic Geochemistry conferred in 2003.
- Selected in the National Eligibility Test for Lectureship in Indian Universities (1996)
- IARI Merit Medal for outstanding research in PhD, 1996
- IARI Senior Fellowship, 1992
- IARI Junior Fellowship, 1990
- ICAR Junior Fellowship in Soil Science, 1990
- “Food safety system in Indian table grapes and wine for export to the European Union countries”. 35th World Congress of Vine and Wine, Izmir, Turkey, 17-25th June 2012.
- “Development and validation of a novel residue analysis method for glyphosate and AMPA in plant matrices by LC-MS/MS. European Pesticide Residue Workshop, Vienna, Austria, 25-28th June 2012.
- “Pesticide residue management by the National Referral Laboratory in Indian Table Grapes”. Fresh Produce Consortium Meeting, Fowden Hall, Conference Centre, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, UK, 2nd June 2011.
- “Pesticide residue management by the National Referral Laboratory in India: Opportunities, Challenges and Resolutions”. Fresenius Conference on Pesticide Residues in Food, Frankfurt, 24-25th May 2011.
- “Emerging latest tools and techniques for food safety in compliance with the EU & India regulatory framework for food exports”, Fi India Conference Series 2010, 22nd October 2010, Bombay Exhibition Centre, Goregaon, Mumbai, India.
- “Pre-harvest monitoring and management of pesticide residues in India”, 47th Florida Pesticide Residue Workshop (FPRW), 18-21th July 2010, St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA (session: Global Chemical Contaminants: Conflicts and Resolution).
- “Management of pesticide residues in Indian grapes for export through comprehensive pre-harvest residue monitoring – a success story”, 8th European Pesticide residue Workshop (EPRW), Strasbourg, France, 20-24th June 2010.
- Chaired a session on “Pesticide residues in horticultural commodities” at the 2nd Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop, 8-11th June 2009 at Santa Fe, Argentina and presented a lead talk on “Management of pesticide residues in Indian grapes for export through comprehensive pre-harvest residue monitoring – a success story” on 11th June 2009.
- “GCxGC-TOF Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Pesticide Residues” presented at the 121st Meeting of the AOAC International, 16-20th September 2007 at Anaheim, California, USA.
- “Multiresidue analysis of Pesticide Residues in Grapes” at the Department of Viticulture and Enology, University of California, Davis on 12th September 2007.
- Invited Lead Talks (National and International): more than 20
- Publications: (Click to access list)