Instrument Details |
- Make: Thermo Fisher
- Model: Applied Biosystem 3130
- Specification: 4 capillary system and is being used for DNA fragment detection and sizing for accurate and reliable microsatellite analysis.
Working Principles |
- It is a 4 capillary system of electrophoresis system and determines DNA fragment size with great accuracy. The DNA fragment is labelled with florescent dyes which are detected by a detector. Electrophoresis at very high voltage and presence of internal size standard in each sample ensures high resolution and accurate sizing.
Applications |
- Microsatellite analysis
- AFLP analysis
Procedure Name |
User Instructions |
- Only the instrument will be made available to the user. The user has to bring all the needed consumables like polymer, internal size standards etc. Assistance to analyze the samples and data analysis will be provided. Prior appointment to be taken to ensure the availability of instrument and personnel to run the equipment.
Contact Us |
- Contact No. 7888000660
- Email Id- Anuradha.upadhyay@icar.gov.in, aupadhyay.nrcg@gmail.com
Charges |