To bring out qualitative improvement in knowledge and provide update on the latest techniques ICAR-NRCG conducts the following training programmes for extension and development officials in June, October and March every year:
- Establishment of Grape Vineyard
- Transfer of Technology for Production of Export Quality Grapes
- Grapevine Cultivation and its Value Added Products
- Nutrient Management in Grapes
- Judicious Use of Plant Growth Regulators in Grapes
- Plant Protection in Two Pruning and Single Cropping System in Viticulture
- ICAR sponsored short training on 'New Techniques for reducing postharvest losses in grapes' (Feb 4-13, 2019)
- Analysis of Heavy Metals in Fruits and Vegetables
Need based special training programs are also conducted on request.
The officials of State Departments of Horticulture of major grape growing states i.e. Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu also approach this Centre to train their extension staff and progressive grape growers.
Grape grower associations of these states also invite the Scientist of the Centre for guiding the growers in seminars organized by them.
The Centre participates and guides the growers in eight ‘Chrachasatra’ one each in four divisions of Maharashtra after April and October pruning, arranged in collaboration with the ‘Grape Growers Association of Maharashtra’